About the website
About Jan Persson
About Jan Persson
About this website
This is the official website for The Jan Persson Jazz Collection, a project which has been made possible through financial support from Faculty of Humanities and The University of Aalborg, Det Obelske Familiefond and Augustinus Fonden.
With his camera Jan has caught every major and minor event on the Danish jazz scene since the early sixties, from the big concert scenes and club dates to the open air concerts and radio and television studios. This site portrays a dedicated visual artist whose euvre stands out among the finest in the world of jazz photography.
Portraits and publications
When you go to “About Jan Persson” on the menu you will find some of Jan’s colleagues and friends giving their personal and professionel portrait of Jan, among others fellow photographer Jimmy Katz, former editor of Down Beat Dan Morgenstern and the Danish artist Per Arnoldi.
Under “Publications” you will find a selective list of books which presents Jan Persson’s jazz fotos. “Exibitions” lists Jan Persson’s public exibitions for the last 20 years.
Collections and musician database.
The photo collections captures some memorable events on the Danish jazz scene throughout the years. This part of the site will expanded over the next years.
Most importantly the site offers you a unique chance to browse from more than 15.000 of Jan’s jazz photos which has been organized in the musician database. Not all links are active yet, the work on transferring the fotos is still ongoing.
About Center for Danish Jazz History
This extensive Jan Persson Jazz Collection is now domiciled at Center for Danish Jazz History. CDJ was established at the University of Aalborg in 2006 as an archive and information centre on Danish jazz history. The center holds a large jazz collection of phonograms, films, literature, periodicals, newspaper clippings and memorabilia. CDJ collaborates with jazz archives in Denmark and the Nordic countries, makes research into Danish jazz history and publishes books on Danish jazz history. For further information on CDJ, see the official website at www.jazz.aau.dk (Danish only)
All photos are copyrighted to Jan Persson and Center for Danish Jazz History.
This is the official website for The Jan Persson Jazz Collection, a project which has been made possible through financial support from Faculty of Humanities and The University of Aalborg, Det Obelske Familiefond and Augustinus Fonden.
With his camera Jan has caught every major and minor event on the Danish jazz scene since the early sixties, from the big concert scenes and club dates to the open air concerts and radio and television studios. This site portrays a dedicated visual artist whose euvre stands out among the finest in the world of jazz photography.
Portraits and publications
When you go to “About Jan Persson” on the menu you will find some of Jan’s colleagues and friends giving their personal and professionel portrait of Jan, among others fellow photographer Jimmy Katz, former editor of Down Beat Dan Morgenstern and the Danish artist Per Arnoldi.
Under “Publications” you will find a selective list of books which presents Jan Persson’s jazz fotos. “Exibitions” lists Jan Persson’s public exibitions for the last 20 years.
Collections and musician database.
The photo collections captures some memorable events on the Danish jazz scene throughout the years. This part of the site will expanded over the next years.
Most importantly the site offers you a unique chance to browse from more than 15.000 of Jan’s jazz photos which has been organized in the musician database. Not all links are active yet, the work on transferring the fotos is still ongoing.
About Center for Danish Jazz History
This extensive Jan Persson Jazz Collection is now domiciled at Center for Danish Jazz History. CDJ was established at the University of Aalborg in 2006 as an archive and information centre on Danish jazz history. The center holds a large jazz collection of phonograms, films, literature, periodicals, newspaper clippings and memorabilia. CDJ collaborates with jazz archives in Denmark and the Nordic countries, makes research into Danish jazz history and publishes books on Danish jazz history. For further information on CDJ, see the official website at www.jazz.aau.dk (Danish only)
All photos are copyrighted to Jan Persson and Center for Danish Jazz History.